How to Start Your Internet TV Channel

Step one: Develop your station mind map and that means you know where you're headed. - pinoy tv show

� What do you want to get out of your TV station?
� What content do you want to provide?
� What will be your hours of operation?
� When are you considering live versus pre-recorded?
� Develop a schedule of events and topics.

2: Get a domain.

I suggest getting a domain name for this purpose endeavor..Tv websites have been the most popular for anything associated with a TV station. What you must keep in mind is does not stand for television. It is really the extension for Tuvalu, the Polynesian island nation.

Step 3: Hire a good team to style and code an online site.

� It should look like a normal Web site. The difference: in the heart of the screen, there ought to be a large TV that's streaming your video or broadcasting live.
� Publicize your sponsors.
� Have different sections on your Web site where people can browse your merchandise and services, find out more on you, contact as well as all the other typical options.
� Change your site often to mirror current promotions and features.

Step 4: Set up a dedicated spot for filming.

Since you is going to be doing both pre-recorded and live videos, you should have an area in your home office (or even an off-site office) that is decked out with all the necessary equipment and may look great on film.

Step . 5: Purchase suitable equipment for recording video and broadcasting live
You will get all of this for under $2000:

� An HD camera is recommended.
� Audio equipment: microphone, headset, clipped microphone, and even some wireless audio equipment.
� Lighting: purchase some great lights.
� Green screens. (These are great as it provides for easier editing of video yet still photos.)
� Teleprompter, if you want to read from the script.
� Connect you got it to your computer, and get ready to stream live!

Step 6: Get a good Web site host that can handle the bandwidth and the constant streaming of video.
The right companies include:


Step 7: Record content you can load onto the station.

Do not think you need hundreds of hours of content to launch your station. Start with just a few hours of content. Reread the minds for the live events in the earlier part of the chapter for content ideas and actions live or pre-record.

Other content ideas:

� Webcam broadcasting 24/7 (or in certain hours).
� Other people's content you can use (with permission).
� Old video recordings.
� Testimonials from clients and customers.

Step 8: Take into account you don't need to have content up 24/7.

� We have four hours of pre-recorded content daily, a couple of hours of live stuff and a few commercials mixed in.
� We let that content repeat for 6 hours.
� We then have 12 hours its keep is nothing more than a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation and a few music.

The reason we have done this is we have found the times when people were browsing the station. There's no reason to put up content if hardly any people are on your Web page at a given time! If your audience is largely global, plus different time zones, you'll want to consider having a larger volume of content at different times.

Step 9: Host some live events.

Live events are a fantastic draw as we talked about previously. The difference is basically that you will be hosting your events on your own Web site rather than appearing on someone else's.

Step 10: Market your hot new TV channel everywhere.
And when I say everywhere, After all everywhere.

� Link it on the Web sites, social sites and beyond.
� Send out multiple press releases employing a service like
� Partner with many other people in exchange for free advertising.

Step 11: Step it down a notch!
As your station becomes more popular you can begin commanding a variety features and money-making opportunities:

� Advertising.
� Banner ads on your site.
� High-profile guest interviews. Heck, perhaps you will become the next Oprah! - pinoy tv show